Getting Lobjects to work in windows First make sure the files are truely unzipped: Make an empty folder in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Cycling'74\externals open the zip file, select all of the contents and copy to clipboard (control C) paste them in the new folder. (control V) Make a new folder called Lobjects-help Now pick out the help files (sort by type) and drag them to the new folder, then move it to C:\Program Files\Cycling'74\MaxMSP 4.3\max-help Second: You need a magic file in C:\Program Files\Cycling'74\MaxMSP msvcr71.dll (you'll get this with 4.5). Lmaths contains: ______________________________ Unary -- list in, list out ! --- Logical NOT of members Labs --- Absolute value of members Lround --- Rounded to specified number of places (proper rounding) Lsign --- sign of members as -1,0 +1 _____________________________ Binary --two lists in, list out. Processed member by member -- recalculate on bang Ladd --- sum of input and stored members Lcomp --- stored list minus input list Ldiv --- input divided by stored Linvert --- stored divided by input Lmax --- larger of input or stored Lmean --- average of input and stored members Lmin --- lesser of input or stored Lmult --- product of input and stored members Lpow --- input raised to the power of stored members Lrem --- remainder of int division of input by stored Ltest --- applies specified test to input and stored members _____________________________ Ternary Lif --- chooses between two stored lists according to truth of input _____________________________ Aggregate -- one list in, float or int out. Lave --- average value of members of input list. Lsum --- sum of members of input list. Lxor --- Bitwise XOR of members of input list. (checksum) _____________________________ Cumulative -- many lists in, list out Laccum --- Accumulate sum of all input lists (member by member) Llimit --- Accumulate sum of all input list clipped to specified range _____________________________ Iterative -- process list lengthwise Lexpr --- Iterated expression of the form A[0] + A[-1] etc. uses expr Note: Lmaths downloaded before 6/09/04 should be replaced. Lpack_2 contains favorites as reported by a poll of the MaxMSP list ____________________________ Manipulators -- Combine or separate elements Lchunk --- Break up lists by length or key value Lfilt --- Remove specified values Lhigh --- Convert lower values to 0 Link --- Join lists, first in first out, with header. Lmask --- assign fixed values to selected positions Lmerge --- combine lists, alternating members Lpair --- iterate two lists in tandem Lreplace --- modify specified positions in a stored list Lror --- right rotation, with last >> first Lshiftr --- right shift with first duplicated and last deleted Lsieve --- Allow specified values Lswap --- reorder lists according to template Unlist --- cyclically output members of list ___________________________ Creators -- New lists from ints or floats Last --- list of last n inputs Lbag --- store or delete inputs, output as list Lbuildset --- set desired locations to 1 Lcatch --- collect items within timeframe, terminated by key value Lrun --- create lists of continuous integers ___________________________ Comparisons -- Between two lists Lmatch --- find location of sublist within master list Lsame --- reports if list is identical to stored list. ___________________________ Converters -- From one form to another LtoColl --- formats lists for insertion into coll. LtoSet --- converts lists of numbers to set ( 1,5,7 to 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0) LtoTab --- stuffs list into table ___________________________ Utilities Llength --- reports length of list. (Cmpatibility only -- use zl len) Lqueue --- slow data down with out losing any Banger --- Sequence bangs across multiple outlets Label --- multi input prepender Llist --- store and initialize lists Lpoly --- poly with better voice stealing Lpack_3 contains objects I use a lot: ____________________________ Creators of various sorts Lbuild -- assembly and disassembly of lists Lifo -- last in first out Lpad -- extends list to defined length Lreg -- keeps track of playing notes (superbag) Lrepeat -- makes a list of repeated patterns Lshiftreg -- inserts at the front, drops from the end _____________________________ Comparisions Lclose -- forces list values to desired values. Lchange -- blocks repeated lists. Lunique -- removes repeated values from a list. Ledge -- reports positions where values change from 0 to 1 (or 1 to 0 or whatever) Lmost -- reports the most common members of a list Lpeak -- reports the highest value above a threshold Lpos -- finds all instances of one list in another Fuzzy Logic __________________________________ Lbot -- report the n lowest items in a list Lcent -- reports the center of gravity of a list Lcut -- sets values below alpha value to 0 Lfind -- Finds a value in a a list with interpolation between locations. Linfer -- reports the interpolated value at a fractional location within a list Ltop -- report the n highest values in a list Sysex helpers _______________________________ Lhex -- converts ints to permanent hex symbols like F7h Like -- routes lists by header (understands F7h) Llong -- converts permanent hex symbols like F7h to int Lsx -- formats messages for sysex (understands F7h) Lstring -- converts ASCII to symbols Hardware emulators _____________________________ Lcount -- a counter Llogic -- basic logic functions Lnth -- a counting switch Lpack_4 play with bits _____________________________ bit -- show individual bits of an int Lbits -- the same but in a list Byte -- converts bit inputs to a number data storage _____________________________ Larray -- manage large arrays of data (without jitter) Ldumpster -- work with large sysex files Play music _____________________________ Lnote -- like makenote, but does multiple channels Lstrum -- a note arpeggiator Lperc -- set individual velocity, duration and roll rate for each note number Lsustain -- like sustain, but includes sostenuto odds & ends _____________________________ later -- a very long bucket for any data (except lists0 Lbang -- like loadmess, but deferred Lbuf -- a short bucket for lists Lcond -- does the ? : conditional (if married to expr) Leftgate -- like gate but controlled from the right inlet (& always open) Lswitch -- like switch but controlled from the right inlet (& alway open) Lin -- a text entry UI thingy Linc -- increment and decrement by variable steps with range limits loop -- an interation manager Lpast -- bang when value exceeds trip point, has adjustable hysterisis Lsort -- sort mixed lists, has case sensitivity option L== -- does approximte comparisons bug fixes _____________________________ Lchunk Lstring Lmerge -- fixed extra copy of single item in use all mode If you have problems, mail me at pqe