
HydroSonic May 22-23, 2010

MAKER FAIRE AND UCSC Digitial Arts Research Center OPEN HOUSE

In collaboration with the SonicSENSE LAB at UCSC & Digital Arts New Media MFA candidates Joe Cantrell | José Carlos Espinel | Levi Goldman | Dustin Raphaell | Pheonix Toews | and Pheonix Hoefs, Ph.D candidate Music.



hydroSonic by sonicSENSE is the most recent iteration of the sonicSENSE platform created by Barney Haynes and Jennifer Parker in collaboration with Mechatronic’s graduate students in the Digital Art New Media program at the University of California Santa Cruz. This project focus was to use local data collected from the Moss Landing Seawater Systems Labs which monitors the dissolved oxygen and temperature levels in the Bay by the Moss Landing Power Plant in Monterey, CA. Viewers walk through the reflective mylar strips and corridor to trigger audioscapes of algorithmic compositions created with the data. Webcams collect movement of the participants through the mylar to create a visual gestalt of live images. mylar to create a visual gestalt of live images. These images are collected and re-projected on to the video screens continuously, layering present images with past images, building a visual record of all the movement inthe space over time. 2010



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This work is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.




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