FUZZY LOGIC README I've been working on various odd corners of algorithmic composition since the early '80s. One of the most promising approaches I've found is Fuzzy Logic, which makes it relatively simple to codify vague rules of the sort we encounter in music. Fuzzy Primer is a short paper that discusses the fundamental concepts of fuzzy work, or at least those that are applicable to the music papers. Fuzzy Operations in Lisp Shows how to perform basic fuzzy in lisp. It documents the code found in fuzzy.lisp and fz_examples.lisp Fuzzy Logic and Music is a detailed treatment of the work I had done by 1995. Although it is based on the programming environment Max, the techniques should be obvious to anyone who has looked at the basic sources of Fuzzy. Music Applications of Fuzzy Logic (Mus_App_fuzzy) is a later look at the ideas in standard style without reference to Max. Fuzzy Music in Lisp shows how to use fuzzy operations in lisp to build a simple harmonizer. The example code is in fuzzy_music.lisp Gradus ad Fuzzem shows how to approach species counterpoint using fuzzy logic. This is preliminary work in species I. The Fanfare for General MIDI is an example of the fuzzy harmonizer in action. It is taken from a live concert, where I played a Yamaha MIDI wind instrument and the computer filled in four other parts to create a brass quintet. The Fuzzy Assortment folder contains some Max patchers from the papers as well as some undocumented fuzzy things I've done from time to time: Fuzzy harmony generates chords from root values and does fuzzy voice leading. Fuzzy harmonize adds chord choice with a simple functional algorithm. A_Tonal Fanfare was used in the Fanfare for General MIDI. It listens to incoming notes, determines the key, and chooses chords based on best fit rules. Peter Elsea