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Selected Awards and Honors

2005. Franklin Pease G. Y. Memorial Prize for the best article published in Colonial Latin American Review for "Hybridity and its Discontents: Considering Visual Culture in Colonial Spanish America" (Colonial Latin American Review vol. 12.no. 1, pp. 5-35, June 2003), co-authored with Dana Leibsohn.

2004. Conference prize for the best article on Latin American history from the AHA Conference on Latin American History for "Hybridity and its Discontents: Considering Visual Culture in Colonial Spanish America" (Colonial Latin American Review vol. 12.no. 1, pp. 5-35, June 2003), co-authored with Dana Leibsohn.

1997-2000 Pew Charitable Trust Collaborative Research Advancement Grant

1996-7 J. Paul Getty Postdoctoral Fellowship in the History of Art and the Humanities





