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HISC 247 Performances/Performativities S 2005 Graduate Seminar

Performance acts and theories of performativity in visual culture from Modernity to the present. Major theoretical positions subtending the emergence of performances and performativities: subjectivity, identity, temporality, media, ritual, the event, the body and embodiment, collaboration, and politics. Cross-listed with DANM

LTPR 204 Early Modernity S 2006

Image/Text: Early Modern Italian Theories and Their Histories
This seminar probes the genealogy of the new image theory by carefully examining its historical roots in Early Modern Italian art theory. Readings in art history, aesthetics, cultural theory, and literary theory will situate the terms of the relationships between text and image in Early Modern and current intellectual discourse

HAVC 191B  S 2007 The Life and Sculpture of Gianlorenzo Bernini

The sculpture, performances, and art theory of Gianlorenzo Bernini (1598-1680), Roman Baroque artist.  The literature on and the work of Bernini will be put into relation with major theoretical issues in art history and cultural theory, e.g., embodiment, performance/performativity, visual and textual genres, and space/time considerations.

HAVC 190M History and Visual Culture S 2004 Undergraduate Seminar

This seminar focuses on texts that construct the idea of visual culture and its relationship to history, including the history of visual culture in the discipline of art history.

HAVC 172 Jewish Identity in Visual Representation W 2005

An exploration of the theoretical and practical or experiential applications of Jewish identity in European visual representation.  Brief background on pre-emancipation textual and cultural issues followed by study of the Jewish subject and Jewish subjectivities in modernity.

HAVC 168 High Renaissance F 2003

The High Renaissance in Italy as a period and stylistic concept, using the major artists and monuments of the period 1480–1525 to discuss issues of theory, history, and art.

HAVC 100 Methods in the History of Art and Visual Culture W 2004 and W 2005  (Required for all majors)

An introduction to the major issues of method and critique in the study of art and visual culture. This course focuses on understanding the disciplinary and critical histories of scholarly inquiry in the visual arts, including the role of research.

HAVC 80S The Human Visual Imagination in the West S 2004

A survey of the critical themes and theoretical topics central to the historical situations and visual character of Western culture as we know it today.




