Visitor Responses and Suggestions


Here are some excerpts from comments and suggestions we have received in response to The Archive's web site. Only the obvious spelling errors have been corrected as we believe in preserving the original voices-mistakes, accents, and all. Send your thoughts and impressions to Alla Efimova.

Great homepage, great effort. Hope it takes off.

The idea of creating such a museum is excellent! It is most certainly an extensive undertaking, but in my opinion, it is very well worth it. It's bound to interest lots of people. My question is the following, though: would any exhibits be available on line?

I'd like to see a book written by a professional, about psychological aspects of our immigration. I'd also like to read some well written memoirs about the immigration experience. I think that each immigrant has two persons inside him/her, and I'd like to talk about it. I also welcome any cultural exchange.

I would like to find stories of people who had the most interesting ways of immigration. And statistics. It would be interesting to find out "how we are doing in America". In one, two, three, ... ten years. How educated are our children. How good is our income. For instance if it is true that we are a financial problem for America?

I have been to your web site and I think your idea is really great. Do you already have the Russian-Jewish Immigrants Museum or you are only collecting items for it? I would like to be informed about all your activities and events.