My work travels the contested space betwen self and society, identity and culture. I insinuate myself as the individual, seen and seeing, working autobiographically, \never free of the influence of mass culture which connects individuals to power (politics). I call out my oppressors and back up my own underdogs. I undertake the impossible and yet tired/old task of creating one's own culture from the gift of twentieth century waste. I hope to express the fogginess of being subsumed in this mix.

For a while, years, I took my camera everywhere. That was one type of visual diary. Autobiography is not total honesty--nothing is. I would have liked to make my waking life a dream, and tried to do so with my camera and the computer. This auto-work was images of this little community of folks, friends and acquaintances. Music and life. Everyone who shared and joined me a little was amazing. We got to communicate. It was my attempt at cultural expression, creating a text, living a life I authored myself. The feelings I had were changed forever when we lost Keith in the fall. All the love seized up in my heart. We're moving along, but still mourning. Now I hope my work can honor many memories which rest in peace and also reside in contestation.

My images, I hope, will never part from the spirit of Rock n' Roll in which they were created. I'm a hardcore feminist and a harm reduction activist. I honor the world that I love, and I erect a middle finger to the hegemony which constantly threatens to bind me and sell me out. Viva la Rock!