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Laurel Beckman

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Laurel Beckman Says:

Between living in Los Angeles and teaching at U.C. Santa Barbara I have plenty of freeway time to think. Commuting thoughts often congeal around my predilection to work both in and out of the studio where I produce intact images and uncertain distributions. Electronic and print publishing, notational drawing, and text-picture theory projects drive my practice. I strive for meaning through extra-linear discourses; encouraging the ordinary and complex aspects of lived and imagined experience to rub shoulders, then mate. I do not favor the institutional model for art consumption, though I like to make things and have been known to show them to strangers on this and that coast. For information on current studio work, web projects, and publishing endeavors please contact me at: beckman@earthlink.net

Want more? Here are other links for Laurel Beckman:

Laurel Beckman Profile
Polygamous Practice Party Now!(O.K.)

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