Course Listing
Art 141 - Sculpture II

Art 146 - Intermedia Special Topics: Artists' Writings

Art 140 - Intermediate/Advanced Metal Sculpture

Art 159a-159b - Senior Studio in Intermedia, Sculpture

Art 010H - 3D Foundation

Art 23 - Intermedia I
Art 140: Intermediate/Advanced Metal Sculpture

Focus on teaching intermediate to advanced students the processes and techniques of direct metal fabrication. A range of welding, cutting and forming techniques and processes is explored through demonstrations, slide lectures, field trips and studio lab time. Demonstrations, slide lectures and critical discussion of work help develop technical and conceptual skills. Students are billed a materials fee. Prerequisite(s): course 23, 28, 40 or 41. Enrollment limited to 15. Enrollment restricted to art majors. May be repeated for credit.