Course Listing
Art 141 - Sculpture II

Art 146 - Intermedia Special Topics: Artists' Writings

Art 140 - Intermediate/Advanced Metal Sculpture

Art 159a-159b - Senior Studio in Intermedia, Sculpture

Art 010H - 3D Foundation

Art 23 - Intermedia I
Art 159a-b: Senior Studio in Intermedia, Sculpture and Electronic Art

An intensive studio experience for art majors concentrating in the areas of intermedia, sculpture, public art, installation art, computer, electronic art and interactive art. Major emphasis is on the development of individual and collaborative projects in preparation for the senior exhibition. Readings and research are required. Class discussions focus on project work and critiques, assigned reading and the development of a written component by each student. Satisfies senior exit requirement. A and B must be taken concurrently. Students are billed for a materials fee. Prerequisite by portfolio review prior to advance enrollment. Enrollment limited to 18. Enrollment limited to art majors. May be repeated for credit.